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Get Riverdale Tech Help

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Learning Instruction Community
SummaryGet tech help at school
AuthorMaintained by Matthijs van Mierlo
HelpGet help with this article
StatusUp-to-date for the 2024-2025 school year.

Call x50!

Call from any campus phone and all of our Tech phones will ring simultaneously. We'll help by phone or come running if you need us. You can also leave a voicemail that will go straight to an Incident IQ ticket marked as Critical.

E-mail support-ticket@riverdale.edu

The easiest way to send in a written request. You'll actually get faster service if you do this rather than e-mailing your favorite tech. Your ticket will be automatically set to Medium priority.

Submit a Tech Support Ticket

Incident IQ is our web-based method for logging a tech support request. This system enables us to keep better track of support requests and provides you with email feedback on the progress of your support tickets from initial submission to final resolution.

You can read through the short introduction below, or just submit a tech support request to dive right in.

Ticket priorities and our response times

Below is the list of priority levels for tickets. Each priority determines the sense of urgency in resolving a ticket. We may change the priority after investigating the reported issue.

Priority Default Due Date We will assign the ticket within... We will be in touch within...
Low 3 months one day one week
Medium 5 days one hour one day
High 1 day half hour half hour
Critical 5 mins half hour half hour


Log in to IIQ with your Riverdale username and passphrase using Google SSO.

User Options

IIQ Home Screen Toolbar.png

  • Tickets - Shows your account's ticket history, also allows you to make comments and act on tickets still open.
  • Assets - Shows you all assets assigned to you or marked as a favorite.
  • Search - Search for tickets and assets in the system
  • Help - Get answers to frequently asked questions and access both the help and training centers
  • Notification Bell - listing of all notifications
  • User Profile - Allows you to change information about your IIQ profile. Add favorite assets and adjust notification types. User profile information should not be modified.

New Ticket Screen

If you need remote support

Now that we are all full-time in-person, we rarely do remote support sessions. Please see our HowDoI get remote tech support article for more information.