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Access Flint

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SummaryAccess Flint Generative AI at Riverdale
AuthorMaintained by Matthijs van Mierlo
HelpGet help with this article
StatusUp-to-date for the 2024-2025 school year.

🔎 General Tips and Tricks

  • As with any Generative AI, be specific and practice careful prompt engineering
  • Find a website to use as a starting point - create an Activity directly from that
  • Find a document (PDF/Word) to use as a starting point - create an Activity directly from that
  • Identify in your prompt how you want students to interact with the AI. What are the learning goals and objectives?
  • Be specific for what constitutes a good response vs. an incomplete response so that students can get the most helpful feedback.

✏️ Students

1️⃣ Access Flint

  1. Go to: https://riverdale.flintk12.com
  2. Click Sign in with Google
  3. Use your Riverdale email address and passphrase

2️⃣ Find Assignments (Activities)

To find an assignment that you need to complete for one of your classes, either:

  1. Click the direct link your teacher shared with you in Schoology
  2. Click the Group in Flint for your class, then click the Activity

3️⃣ Create Activities

If you want to create a personal Activity to explore a new topic or help with a task (developing a thesis, etc.), you can do the following:

  1. Log in to Flint with your Riverdale email address and passphrase
  2. Type your prompt in the Create activity area and click Create
  3. Optional: upload a file, provide a URL, or insert math or code to give Flint more context
  4. Choose the prompt that sounds best!

🏫 Teachers

1️⃣ Access Flint

  1. Log-in with Google here: https://riverdale.flintk12.com
  2. Create a Group. Think of a Group like a class.
    • Based on the Group description, an automatic Companion will be built. Think of this like a general AI at the course level. This can be enabled or disabled by teachers.
    • Within the group, you can create Activities. Think of an Activity like an assignment. When students submit their session, teachers have full visibility in terms of what students wrote and how they interacted with the AI session. You can choose the best tutor (you are typically given 3 choices) and can test it before assigning it to your students.

📝 Prompts for Flint


  • Upload PDF, documents or websites to give the tutor class specific context (vocab, grammar practice, question types, etc.)
  • You can always fine-tune your activity by going to Activity Settings and changing settings and configurations as needed.
  • If you have any questions about Flint, reach out to a member of the Tech Team! We are happy to help.
Use Case Starting Prompt
Vocab/Grammar Tutor Prompt Template: Vocab/Grammar Practice Tutor
Writing Tutor Prompt Template: Writing Tutor

Sample Flint Activity: Writing Tutor

Additional Practice Tutor Prompt Template: Additional Practice Tutor

⚠️ Remember...

  • No AI is perfect. Check for errors, and make it clear to students that this is a practice tool to engage with content beyond typical readings and assignments.
  • This should be used as a formative assessment tool. Think of this as a substitute for reading quizzes, reading checks, or brainstorming sessions.
  • The assignments are only going to be as good as the content, prompts, and resources that go into creating the Tutors. Remember that!