Learn About Riverdale Google Groups

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SummaryFind a list of the main RCS Google Groups here
AuthorMaintained by Rob Shin
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StatusUp-to-date for the 2024-2025 school year.

What are Google Groups?

Google groups allow you to quickly send emails to all members of a particular group. At Riverdale, we have several main Google groups that are listed below. If you are not a member of a particular group, but would like to be, then the please click the corresponding link in the table. Learn more about Riverdale Google Groups here.

Group Name Group Email (@riverdale.edu) Audience Membership Moderated? About This Group and Contact Owners
Hill Employees employeeshill-group Any RCS Employee interested in Hill Campus matters Auto-enrolled nightly based on school data and Apply for Membership Yes [1]
River Employees employeesriver-group Any RCS Employee interested in River Campus matters Auto-enrolled nightly based on school data and Apply for Membership Yes [2]
Hill Teaching Faculty facultyhill-group Any RCS Employee interested in Hill Campus teaching matters Auto-enrolled nightly based on school data and Apply for Membership Yes [3]
River Teaching Faculty facultyriver-group Any RCS Employee interested in Lower School teaching matters Auto-enrolled nightly based on school data and Apply for Membership Yes [4]
All Staff staffall-group Any RCS Employee interested in matters for non-teaching staff and administrative staff Auto-enrolled nightly based on school data and Apply for Membership Yes [5]
All Administrators administrationall-group Any RCS Employee interested in matters for Employees who have Administrative contracts Auto-enrolled nightly based on school data and Apply for Membership Yes [6]
Employee Watercooler watercooler-group The group for any off-topic, non-work-related, conversations. Auto-enrolled one time based on school data and Apply for Membership Yes [7]