This article is...
How to request, install, and activate (or re-activate) SMART Notebook Software.
Intended for
Employees and Students
Categorized under
Classroom Technology and Systems‏‎
Maintained by
Matt Ringh
Up-to-date for the 2022-2023 school year.

What is SMART Notebook?

If you're using, or looking to use, SMART Notebook software, we have licenses. Here's how you can request a Notebook license, install the software, and activate it. SMART Notebook is interactive software to use with Riverdale's interactive projectors. Using the included classroom pens, you can open a SMART Notebook file on your computer, connect your computer to the projector via USB-C, and then use the interactive digital pens directly on the whiteboard while projecting. Your writing will be digitally captured in the notebook and can be saved and exported in a variety of formats.

Activate or reactivate SMART Notebook

If you already have SMART Notebook installed, and you're seeing a banner warning of an approaching expiration date, here are the steps to take to activate our newer license:

Step 1 - Click on the SMART System Menu button in your Menu bar (Mac), or in the Windows Notification Area (Windows). Select "Check for Updates and Activation".


Step 2 - Select "Add".


Step 3 - Enter the Product Key NC-2ACSQ-B6HRG-X8BAE-S4AAA-AAA and click "Add". Tick the box to "accept the terms of the license agreement", and then click "Next".


Step 4 - Select "Submit Request Automatically", and "Next".


Step 5 - Confirm that it now reads "Activated" and that it has the new expiration date of 6/30/25, and click "Finish".


Request, install, and activate SMART Notebook

Step 1 - Please complete the "Technology Purchase or Upgrade Request" form found here.

Step 2 - Once approved, you will; go to the SMART Notebook Downloads page, fill out the required fields, choose your OS, and download the software.

Step 3 - You will then install the software. During installation, you may be asked for a product key. If you are, please enter the product key (NC-2ACSQ-B6HRG-X8BAE-S4AAA-AAA)