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Access Academic Testing Calendars

From howdoi
Learning Instruction Community
SummaryThe Testing and Major Student Deadlines Calendars are our list of all major assessments for Hill students
AuthorMaintained by Matthijs van Mierlo
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StatusUp-to-date for the 2024-2025 school year.

View Testing Calendars

You can add these testing calendars to your own Google Calendar interface to add, edit, and delete events.

  1. Click on the calendar link you want to access:
  2. Clicking on Add Calendar lower right hand corner
  3. Then follow the prompts to add the calendar to your Google calendar

Note: you can toggle calendars on and off in the Google calendar interface. Open calendar.google.com and on the bottom left of the screen, check the calendars you want to show or hide.

Add Testing Event

  • Click the appropriate date to Create an event
  • Type a Title
    • Please include the grade level and your name
  • Make sure you are editing an event in the appropriate calendar. When you create an event, by default it will populate on your calendar. Click on your name there (ex. Matthijs van Mierlo) and choose the appropriate testing calendar
  • Select the color for your Test Calendar appointment and make sure that the All Day box is checked
  • Finally, please Save your event.