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Use Autocrat with Google Sheets: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "{{abox | name = How to use Autocrat with Google Sheets? | summary = Autocrat allows you to merge spreadsheet data to generate documents/PDFs | for_employees = Y | for_students = Y | for_parents = | cat1 = Classroom Technology and Systems | cat2 = | maintained = MV | year = 2022-2023 }}")
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=== How can I use Autocrat with Google Sheets? ===
Autocrat is an extension for Google Sheets that helps generate Google Docs or PDFs from existing Google Sheet entries. For example: '''''Mr. V created a Google Form to collect bake sale information, and wanted to create individual PDF files from the Google Form responses.''''' This is a perfect use-case for Autocrat.
=== How can I learn to use Autocrat? ===
There are many online resources available to learn Autocrat. One that we recommend is the following website which walks you through Autocrat setup and more for simple Google Forms.{{abox
  | name          = How to use Autocrat with Google Sheets?
  | name          = How to use Autocrat with Google Sheets?
  | summary      = Autocrat allows you to merge spreadsheet data to generate documents/PDFs
  | summary      = Autocrat allows you to merge spreadsheet data to generate documents/PDFs
