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Update Your RCS Passphrase: Difference between revisions

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To reset your passphrase, you must go to [https://my.riverdale.edu myRiverdale].  If you are able to log in (with your own passphrase or a temporary passphrase) see the Setting a new passphrase before it expires section below.  If you do not have a working passphrase, jump down to Resetting a forgotten/expired passphrase section.

'''Note: Setting your passphrase here will change both your domain passphrase and Google Apps passphrase.''' Trust us: this is a good thing. But because this will change your e-mail passphrase, you will need to update your passphrase in account settings on any mobile devices (iPhones, iPads etc) that you use to access your Riverdale.edu e-mail and calendar. You'll also need to change settings for printing on campus. Instructions are [https://knowledge.riverdale.edu/index.php?title=Direct_Wireless_Printing/Changing_Password here].
===Getting ready before your passphrase expires===
If you set your passphrase reset question phone number, you can easily recover a forgotten or expired passphrase
# Log into [http://my.riverdale.edu http://my.riverdale.edu] with your RCS credentials
# Click your name at top right and select "Settings"
# Click Edit Profile at top right
# Add your phone number in the "Forgot Passphrase Text Message" box at bottom right
# Edit your "Forgotten passphrase question" if necessary
===Setting a new passphrase before it expires===
# Log into [http://my.riverdale.edu http://my.riverdale.edu] with your RCS credentials
# Click your name, then Settings at top right
# Click Edit Profile
# Fill in the fields in "Change Windows Passphrase"
# Click "Change Passphrase"
===Resetting a forgotten/expired passphrase===
# Visit [http://my.riverdale.edu http://my.riverdale.edu]
# Click "Forgot Passphrase"
# Choose to send a text message or e-mail
#* If you choose text message, confirm your identity using the code sent to your phone
#* If you choose e-mail, follow the instructions in the e-mail you receive from noreply@okta.com<br>OR<br>
# Answer your passphrase reset question
# Set your new passphrase
