Review and update my employee information

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SummaryEmployees can review and update their information
AuthorMaintained by Jen Davenport
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StatusUp-to-date for the 2024-2025 school year.

In order to ensure the information stored by Riverdale is accurate for each employee, we invite you to review our data and tell us about any inaccuracies.

Review your Personal/Family Information

You can review and edit the following types of information by choosing Update Profile in the Employee Portal. Your changes will be sent to the school for approval automatically.
Family Information
  • Personal info for you and a spouse (name, phone numbers, email, gender, pronouns, ethnicity, race, etc.)
  • primary and secondary address
  • vehicle information
  • your higher education details
Medical Information
  • Your medical profile includes allergies, medications, immunizations and conditions.
  • Emergency contacts for you and your family
    • Note: If you want to make a pre-existing contact to be *your* emergency contact, please enter a "My family has changed" request via the HPU detailing the change you'd like to make. The HR Office will review and update.
Directory Preferences
  • Change what information you publish in the student, household and fac/staff directories.

Review your Employment Information

Some data is not available in Update Profile, so please go here to review the following:
  • Name Prefix
  • Job Title
  • Primary Department
  • Primary Direct Supervisor
Please reach out to Human Resources if you would like to change anything you can't do yourself above.