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Copy and Restore Past Schoology Courses

From howdoi
Learning Instruction Community
SummaryCopy and use past Schoology resources
AuthorMaintained by Matt Ringh
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StatusUp-to-date for the 2024-2025 school year.

Why should I do this?

In many cases, course resources can be re-used from year-to-year, and Schoology has a easy, organized way to do just that. To copy course content from one course into another (ex. for a new school year), you first need to archive it and then restore it. Saving a course to My Resources (archiving it) makes a snapshot of all the assignments, quizzes, discussions, pages, and resources in a particular course and allows you to import that content to other Schoology courses you might be creating.

The general process is as follows:

  1. Setup a new Collection to keep your resources organized
  2. Save your old course materials to My Resources
  3. Edit your course materials from My Resources if needed
  4. Add Material from My Resources into your new Schoology courses

Step 1 - Setup a new Collection to keep your Resources Organized

  • Click Resources in the top menu and then select Personal from the list.
  • Click the file cabinet icon to create a new Collection.
  • Name the collection "2021-2022 Schoology Courses", and click Create.

Step 2 - Save your old Course Materials to Resources

  • Navigate to your Schoology home page.
  • Click Courses in the top menu.
  • Then click My Courses in the top-right corner of the screen.
  • Click the Archived tab.
  • You will now see every course you've ever had in Schoology.
  • Click into the Course you want to save to your resources.
  • Click the Options button (just to the right of the Add Materials button), and Select Save Course to Resources.
  • In the first drop-down menu, select the desired collection ("2018-2019 Schoology Courses", for example.)

Step 3 - Editing your Course Materials from Resources

Edit Resources

There is a Gear Icon to the right of every resource. The Gear Icon allows you to Edit, Move, Copy, or Delete a resource.

  1. Edit—This option allows you to change the title of your resource, as well as to add notes that will only appear in your Resources.
  2. Copy to—This option allows you to "copy and paste" the resource into another location in your Resources.
  3. Move to—This option allows you to "cut and paste" the resource into another location in your Resources.
  4. Delete—This option allows you to delete the resource from your Resources. This action cannot be undone.

Step 4 - Adding Material from Resources into your new (2022-2023) Courses

First, navigate to your new course. (Note, 2021-2022 Courses won't be available until end of August 2021.) Then follow these directions to add old course material: