This article is...
Summary.pngRuvna replaces your paper and clipboard rosters during times of crisis. This article takes you through login and use.
IntendedE.pngIntended for
Categories.pngCategorized under
RCS Software and Services and Communication
JM.jpgMaintained by
Jeremy Martinez
2022-2023.pngUp-to-date for the 2022-2023 school year.


Log in to Ruvna

1. Log in using Google

2. Enter in 2 step verification code if prompted

3. Select Campus


Ruvna Action Buttons

The buttons are much more visually distinct, and communicate more effectively to the user what their states and actions are.


  • The new “check-in” button has an unfilled circle, evoking to-do lists and unfinished business, which becomes checked when the student is checked-in.
  • When a student is absent, the button becomes grey with a new icon to convey that no further action is necessary.
  • Users will now see that a second “confirmation” tap is necessary to uncheck a student, rather than relying solely on practice and training.

Check in your students

  • Find class under rosters


* The “check- in” button has an unfilled circle
* When a student is checked the student name is checked-in, in addition, you will see the phrase "Checked-In by You".
* When a student is absent, the button becomes grey with an icon to convey that no further action is necessary.
* A second “confirmation” tap is necessary to uncheck a student.

Check in someone else

  1. Click Teachers/Grades
  2. Search for teacher
  3. Select teacher
  4. Select Absent or Check in on bottom

Check in someone else's students

  1. Search for teacher
  2. Select teacher
  3. Select desired roster (if more than one)
  4. Check or mark absent each student

How to send a panic signal

1. Click on the Send Panic button

2. Write a message and click SEND


How to enable notifications

1. Load the Ruvna app

2. Click on the person icon and click on Notification Preferences

3. Enable all notifications