DigiExam has taken the place of "Exam Accounts" at the Upper School. DigiExam allows teachers at the Upper School to administer an online exam to students, while preventing the test taker from leaving the DigiExam application. The application allows for Text Responses Questions (with a great word processor), Multiple Choice Questions, and Multiple Response Questions. Faculty, if you would like a DigiExam account, please submit a Tech Request at support.riverdale.edu. To use DigiExam you only need to create your exam, and then share the "Exam ID" with your students. All MS and US students automatically have DigiExam accounts, and their "Student ID" is set to their email address.

This article is...
DigiExam is a browser-based exam tool which allows teachers to create and distribute an exam, and allows students to take the exam securely on their own device without that student having access to tools and web content which the teacher wishes to prohibit.
Intended for
Employees and Students
Categorized under
Classroom Technology and Systems‏‎
Maintained by
Matt Ringh
in need of review.

For MS Students: How to Access DigiExam from a ChromeBook

  1. Log out of your account.
  2. Click "Apps" in the lower left hand corner of the screen.

  3. Select "DigiExam.
  4. Log into DigiExam with your RCS e-mail and your DigiExam password. Don't forget to tick the box for "USA, or you won't be able to log in. If you don't know your password, or if you're using DigiExam for the first time, please visit app-us.digiexam.com/app#/forgot-password.

For Students: How to Access DigiExam from a Laptop

Download the DigiExam client from here. Log into DigiExam with your RCS e-mail and your DigiExam password. Don't forget to tick the box for "USA, or you won't be able to log in. If you don't know your password, or if you're using DigiExam for the first time, please visit app-us.digiexam.com/app#/forgot-password.

For Faculty: How to Create an Exam

  1. Log in at https://app-us.digiexam.com/app#/
  2. There are 4 different question types you can ask:
    1. Text
    2. Multiple Choice
    3. Multiple Answer (More than one correct answer from the available choices)
    4. Word Gap

For Faculty: How to Administer an Exam

Download the DigiExam client from [https://www.digiex