Remove RCS Management Software (Apple Devices)

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(Redirected from Uninstall from Self Service)
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SummaryRemove Self Service management software from RCS owned devices
AuthorMaintained by Jeremy Martinez
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StatusUp-to-date for the 2024-2025 school year.

NOTE: This is ONLY for Apple Devices! Not for Windows OS!

When should you uninstall

You should only uninstall Self Service if your device device will never be used on the RCS network again for example, you are getting a new computer or are leaving RCS.

How to uninstall

The best way to uninstall is to use the Uninstall policy from within Self Service. This policy will:

  • Remove and Jamf files and processes from your computer; i.e., Self
  • Remove any MDM Profiles installed by Jamf on your computer
  • Delete your computer record from Jamf Pro Server

To Run the policy:

  1. Open Self Service from your Applications folder
  2. Login and navigate to the Uninstall category on the left
  3. Run the Uninstall Self Service policy and follow prompts