Using TurnItIn in Schoology

  1. Within your Course select “Add Materials” and “Add Assignment”.
  2. Name the assignment
  3. Select the “External Tool” icon
This article is...
Here's how to set it up so students can submit to TurnItIn via Schoology.
Intended for
Employees and Students
Categorized under
Classroom technology and systems
Maintained by
Matt Ringh
in need of review.

  1. Set “Tool Provider” to “TurnItIn”
  2. Enter a Title
  3. Click “Submit”
  4. Set a “Category” (“ungraded”, if you like)
  5. If you are not collecting the paper through Schoology, and only want students to submit to TurnItIn, disable submission by completing this step...

Next to “Options”, click the “Submissions Enabled” icon

to disable submissions. If submissions are disabled, the icon will look like this

  1. Click “Create”
  2. Back in the Course, navigate to the assignment you just created, and click into it
  3. (Important!!!) Click on the TurnItIn Link:

  4. Once the image below loads;

a) Students will be able to access TurnItIn from the assignment link in Schoology

b) You can customize settings by clicking on “Settings”.