Use Riverdale Google Groups

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SummaryUse RCS Google Groups
AuthorMaintained by Rob Shin
HelpGet help with this article
StatusUp-to-date for the 2024-2025 school year.

Creating a Google Group

The Tech Department manages the creation of all Groups within the domain. If your department, office, class, team or other "group" needs a google group, please submit a tech support request and we can help you get what you need.

Creating a Welcome Message

  • To see which groups you belong to, click HERE
  • To learn how to create a welcome message for a Google Group, click here.

Selecting Group Types

  • There are several types of Google Groups. Click here to learn more about each so you can choose the type of Google Group that is best for your needs.

Managing a Google Group

If you manage a Google Group, be sure to check out these tips and important pieces of information about managing a Google Group. To change email delivery options for the group or members of the group follow the instructions below.

  1. Go to
  2. Ensure you're looking at My groups (left hand menu)
  3. This screen lists the groups you belong to. Click Manage or hit the gear icon by the name of the group that you want to change delivery settings for (Note: You can change settings for any group that says Manager after it)
  4. Select the members/managers you'd like to change delivery settings for by checking the box(es) next to each name (Select all by clicking the check box next to Display Name)
  5. Click Actions > Change delivery setting and then select from the following options:
 * No email = Receive no email from the group's posts (posts only available online)
 * Abridged email = Receive one summary email per day
 * Digest = Receive one email for every 25 new messages
 * All email = Receive an email for every group post

Change Email Delivery Options

If you belong to a Google Group, you can choose how you want to receive group messages

  1. Sign into Google Groups
  2. Click My groups
  3. To the right of the group you want to change, click the message drop down (it might say Every new message) and choose the desired option: Don't send email updates, Send daily summaries, Combined updates, or Every new message (depending on a group's settings, some options may be unavailable)

Moderating a Google Group

You can use message moderation to approve messages before they’re sent to the rest of the group. This gives you the opportunity to make sure messages are appropriate for the entire group before they’re shared.

  1. Click here to learn how to turn on message moderation in a Google Group.
  2. Click here to learn how to moderate posts in a Google Group.
  3. Click here to learn how about setting a group member's permissions in Google Groups.
  4. Click here to learn how to disable Google Groups spam filtering for groups that have moderation already turned on, or for groups that don't accept Internet messages.