Remove RCS Device Management Tools

From howdoi
This article is...
Summary.pnginstructions to prep devices for personal use
IntendedE.pngIntended for
Categories.pngCategorized under
Classroom Technology and Systems
JM.jpgMaintained by
Jeremy Martinez
2019-2020.pngin need of review.


Please follow these instructions to Uninstall Self Service rom your RCS "gifted" Mac laptop.


Your laptop must be reset to factory default settings. Please feel free to book Rob Shin's calendar for a 30 min slot. The procedure performed will be as follows:

Preliminary Tasks

  1. Back up all of your files
    • Google Drive
    • My Documents folder


Please see this article for information about how to prepare your school-managed iPad for return to Riverdale.


JG: we will have to remove management, I presume they'll have to powerwash it and start over.