Update Google Account Photo

From howdoi
This article is...
Summary.pngThe Google Account photo shows up in the upper-right of your GMail window, and presents to recipients of your emails as well as in other locations.
IntendedES.pngIntended for
Employees and Students
Categories.pngCategorized under
Google and Classroom Technology and Systems‏‎
JK.jpgMaintained by
Jonathan King
2022-2023.pngUp-to-date for the 2022-2023 school year.

We are updating every employee's Google Account photo to be the same as their new RCS ID photo. The Google Account photo shows up in the upper-right of your GMail window, and presents to recipients of your emails as well as in other locations. It might take up to a day for the change to be seen all over (due to browser caching and stuffs).

Things you want to ask right now

Gmail profile picture
Your name and profile picture can be viewed by other people who use Google services, including when you communicate or share content.
How often are you doing this
Just once per year. ID photos are taken in May/June and we update before school starts in August.
Can I change the picture to something else
We know you might not love your ID photo, or have some amazing photo of yourself to share :) Feel free to change the photo whenever you like, just make sure it identifies you to others.
  • GMail Settings --> General --> scroll down to My Picture --> Click on About Me

Add or change your profile picture

  • Sign in to your Google Account.
  • Under "Personal info," click Photo.
  • Upload a photo from your computer or choose one of your Google Photos.
  • Rotate and crop your photo as needed.
    • Find steps to crop your photo with assistive technology below.
  • At the bottom left, click Save as profile picture.

I LOVE my current photo, don't replace it

  • Using the steps below, you can reset your photo to a former one, or save it for your own use.
    Change Google Profile Pic-1.png
    Change Google Profile Pic-2.png

  • From the next window you can choose to use or save a former profile photo.
  • Right-Click or Control-Click and choose Save Image As…
  • Save it

Find an old profile picture

For more details