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== Password Requirements ==
== Password Requirements ==

Your password must use three of the following four character types:
We strongly encourage you to make a long passphrase that contains multiple words that are meaningful to you with a few digits thrown in.

* lowercase letters (qwertyuiop etc...)
The passphrase must:
* numbers (1234567890)
* symbols (@#$%^&*_-=+ etc..., including space)

In addition, the password must:
contain 12 or more characters (we recommend longer than the minimum length)
not contain your first name, last name or username
* contain 8 or more characters (we recommend longer than the minimum length)
be different from a previous passphrase you've used at RCS
* not contain your first name, last name, or username
contain at least one lowercase letter, uppercase letter, digit
* be different from a previous password you've used at RCS

Password examples
Password examples
